308 - House Rules for All
/Almost everyone has house rules for their games, but are there house rules that are good for (nearly) every game? DMs Matt and Rob share over a dozen house rules from their games and their favorite systems that can (probably) be lifted and inserted into whatever TTRPG system your table plays.
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Links to rules:
FATE CORE, "Declaring a Story Detail"
Year Zero Engine SRD, Chapter 4, "Rounds & Initiative"
Giffglyph, Darker Dungeons, "Chapter 20: Active Defense"
Traverse Fantasy, "Damage Roll as Attack Bonus"
13th Age SRD, Character Rules, "Choose Your One Unique Thing"
Cypher System SRD, Creating Your Character, "Character Descriptor, Type, and Focus"
Daggerheart Playtest 1.4, Open Playtest Manuscript, "Maps, Range, and Movement"
Odd Skull Blog, "Combat Maneuvers, The Easy Way"
Blades in the Dark SRD, "Progress Clocks"
Troll Smyth, "Shields Shall Be Splintered!"
Lich Van Winkle, "The Genealogy of Advantage and Disadvantage in RPG Mechanics"
5e SRD, Rules, "Advantage and Disadvantage"
Music: Pac Div - Roll the Dice; Odetta - Hit or Miss.